Welcome. The Chatham Men’s Club is a social men’s club with a lot of tradition that began humbly in 1957 when Ted Bigelow invited friends every week to his garden shed to discuss current affairs over coffee and donuts.
Well, the shed is gone but the coffee and donuts remain. Today, we are a club that has 140 plus members. We gather socially at the Chatham Community Center at 1:00 P.M. on most Fridays from October through May for friendship and good conversation as well as featured speakers on subjects thought to be of common interest to our members. We are grateful that so many knowledgeable and prominent area citizens generously share their expertise with our members each week.
GUESTS and VISITORS ARE WELCOME. FOR MORE INFORMATION, send an email to crma1712@gmail.com.

Through the generosity of our members, we donate funds to the Chatham Food Pantry, Chatham Anglers baseball team and other organizations. Also, we volunteer our time at the Chatham Railroad Museum, the Marconi-RCA Wireless Museum and the Godfrey Windmill.
The club welcomes all men who are registered voters or residential taxpayers of Chatham.
#chathammensclub #chatham #capecod

Thank you for visiting our website, and we hope to see you at future meetings for our weekly speaker program.
Upcoming Presentations
Notes of Appreciation from Other Organizations